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What can cause pain on the top of the foot?

Top of foot pain is a generic phrase which is used to describe any pain in the top surface of the foot and it is not a exact diagnosis.Usually top of foot pain may be a shooting pain that can be found on the top surface of the foot close to the second toe. Occasionally the pain sensation may be seen across the 3rd and 4th metatarsal. There are 2 ways that you can get top of foot pain. Top of foot pain might be the consequence of a stress fracture or tendonitis of a metatarsal tendon. When a high force exercise like running is carried out with injuries like heel pain, shin pain and other injuries, this mixture can lead to top of the foot pain. Sometimes top of the foot pain is so painful that standing for short times might be very painful. The reason for this severe agony is a condition called over pronation. You may handle the discomfort by wearing shoe inserts. There are more factors that can cause top of foot pain. Ganglions that are sacs of jelly-like substance occur just after a split in the joint capsules. The ganglions form on the top of the foot and they are factors behind top of foot pain.

The additional causes are Mortons Neuroma which is a problem often seen by Podiatrists. It is an inflammation of a nerve that is between your 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads. In this case the bones get squeezed together and pinch the nerve which is between the two. The pain sensation from this can sometimes bring about top of foot pain. Furthermore hammer toes may cause top of foot pain. In this issue one or more of the toes is bent sideways. This bent appearance causes your toes to seem misshapen. Because of the toe becoming bent upwards it is difficult to use shoes and sometimes it’s uncomfortable to walk. That is why claw toes can give rise to top of foot pain.

There are many other foot injuries that could cause top of foot pain. The easiest way to help handle this disorder is to use foot orthotics which give some support and relief to your feet. The insoles treat the reason for the foot pain which then causes top of foot pain. The insoles stop the pain from happening again. The other way that you could help reduce the impact of top of foot pain is by wearing foot wraps. These have been made to provide comfort to the top of foot pain. This foot wrap will allow you to maneuver around with out experiencing a great amount of pain. By wearing a foot wrap you aren't limited to one place, and your pain is light. In case you are not getting anywhere with this, then it might be worth it to consult a podiatrist.