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How Neurological Physical Therapy Can Help Manage Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement. It is characterized by difficulty with balance, coordination, and movement. Neurological physical therapy can help to manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and improve quality of life.

Neurological physical therapy is a form of physical therapy specifically focused on treating patients who have conditions affecting the nervous system. This type of therapy is used to help improve movement, balance, coordination, strength, and other functions affected by neurological conditions. Neurological physical therapy involves a variety of techniques and interventions to help patients regain and maintain their physical abilities.

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Neurological physical therapy can help to improve balance, coordination, and mobility. It can also help to reduce pain and fatigue, increase strength and endurance, and improve overall quality of life.

Types of Neurological Physical Therapy

Neurological physical therapy can involve a variety of techniques, including stretching, strengthening, and balance exercises. It can also include gait training, postural re-education, and posture control exercises. Other techniques, such as aquatic therapy and electrical stimulation, may also be used.

It is important to remember to start slowly and increase intensity as you progress. It is also important to take frequent breaks and listen to your body. It is important to talk to your physical therapist about any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing during the exercises.


Neurological physical therapy can help to manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and improve quality of life. It can involve a variety of techniques, including stretching, strengthening, and balance exercises. It is important to start slowly and increase intensity as you progress, take frequent breaks, and listen to your body.

Chronic Pain Relief From Physical Therapy

Many people who are in chronic pain try to move as little as possible. They believe that the less active they are the less pain they will experience. In reality, the opposite may be true. People who suffer from conditions that leave them hurting all of the time could possibly benefit from physical therapy. 

Physiotherapy helps in:

• Strengthen muscles and that improves the support the muscles can provide to the rest of the body. When you allow your stomach muscles to lose strength then you will suffer from more backaches because the muscles in your stomach also help to support your back. You can get assistance from experts at Laurel physical therapy via https://cbayaquapt.com/locations/laurel/.

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• Increase endurance so people in chronic pain can perform their daily activities

• Increases stability of the joints and this can decrease falls, and pain associated with swollen joints

• Increases flexibility in the muscles and joints of the body

• Exercise stimulates a release of natural endorphins that work well to relieve pain. The exercise also makes a person feel better about themselves and helps to alleviate depression that people with chronic pain conditions suffer

• Helps people to maintain ideal body weight and that decreases pain

What conditions can benefit from physical therapy for pain management?

Almost every condition that causes pain can be helped by performing the right combination of physical therapy maneuvers. Some of the most common conditions that are greatly improved by this therapy are:

• Osteoarthritis

• Fibromyalgia

• Chronic headaches

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Neuropathic pain as a result of tissue injury

Latest advancements in Physical therapy treatment

One of the latest improvements in the physical therapy treatment of patients with back and neck pain is something known as spinal decompression. It's an advancement of the aged spinal traction machines. Most of the time, human spines hurt as time passes, genetics and gravity conspire to induce our disks to work out.  

These modifications contribute to irregular pain, initially. For laypersons, the rationale that spines hurt is the fact that time hydrates our spines. The longer the time, the further the compression. You can get the top-notch physical therapy treatment from https://www.stayactiverehabilitation.com/.

Physical therapy treatment

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The speed of compression varies from person to person, but in most persons, this procedure occurs. It squashes them that hurts. The most direct means to take care of this issue is to decompress the spine, i.e. physically pull on the vertebrae apart.  You can use a complex spinal decompression table or you may attempt to use a traditional grip table if that's what you might have.  

Very mildly compressed spines may react to inversion tables. Spinal disks have some regenerative capacity as recorded by CT scans demonstrating improved disc height following a collection of these remedies. Histologic and radioisotope studies reveal a rise in the number of cells at the disk and a rise in the synthesis of reparative molecules in disks treated with decompression. 

The key truth is that almost all patients treated this way, notice significant progress. There are a number of items that machines can perform more efficiently than individuals. One of these would be to employ a load, as time passes, to deform a tissue. So in regards to physical therapy treatment for patients with neck pain and low back pain, it is recommended to take physical therapy treatment.