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Are California CFO Services Right For Your Small Business?

Every business is sure to benefit from having a chief financial officer overseeing accounting and finances. These top-notch financial advisors help to keep all of your reports and bookkeeping up to date as well as give useful financial advice and strategy to keep your business on track and meeting margins. You can refer to https://stamosandstamoscpa.com/ to hire the best CFO services in California.


But paying out $200,000 a year for a full-time CFO consultant can be a lot more than many small businesses, such as client companies, can reasonably spend. But before you count yourself out on being able to hire these useful consultants, did you know that part time CFO services are making involved and dedicated financial analysis available to all businesses? 

With the possibility of paying for a CFO on an as needed basis, there’s no reason why you can’t cash in on all of their knowledge and skills.

You can also bring them in to temporarily head up projects that your other staff are too busy to get to. Have a massive sales opportunity coming up but all of your workers are too tied up or inexperienced to assist? 

A short term CFO can get it out the door and only need to be paid for the time that you need them. Along with that, their more temporary or part time status also makes them much easier to dismiss as opposed to a full-time salary CFO consultant.

So if you’ve been feeling that your financial operations could use help, or if you’ve wanted the advice of a trained professional, a part time CFO could be right for you. And with the ability to hire them on a need basis, there’s no reason why your business can’t have the same edge as the big guys.