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Guide About Types of Inspections

When it comes to selecting a home inspection company, it's important to consider the type of inspection you need. In this blog post, we will discuss home inspection san antonio tx. Here are three types of inspections you might want to consider: 

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1. Structural Inspection: This is an inspection of the structure of your home, including the roofing, framing, and walls. It's important to have this inspection done if you're not sure if your home is structurally sound or not. 

2. Electrical Inspection: This is an inspection of your home's electrical systems, including the wiring, plugs, and outlets. If there are any problems with your electrical system, they may need to be fixed before you can move in. 

3. Water Leak Detection: A water leak detection inspection is a good option if you're suspecting that there might be a water issue in your home. This type of inspection can help identify potential leaks and resolve them before they cause major damage. 

Find the Right Inspector for Your Home's Needs As we mentioned earlier, the inspector will be responsible for making sure that your home meets certain building codes and will be held accountable for any violations. A structural inspector can issue a recommendation on whether it's best to have your home inspected or not.